Design of various print products for Parkhotel Brunauer

For the Parkhotel Brunauer in the heart of Salzburg, our Artina design chefs were able to create a whole menu of print products. We as usual started with the design of business cards in a modern look to match the new CI of the seminar hotel, followed by various postcards and matching roll-ups. The obvious highlight of this design menu definitely is the new seminar folder with map folding. Like all other print products, this was set up under the motto “Your Business Is Our Business”. The folder shows, among other things, a specially illustrated map of the hotel’s floor plan, on which the various seminar rooms are drawn for better orientation. The crowning glory was the packaging deisgn for energy balls with a homemade cutting die.

Desire for a downtime in the city of Mozart? This way:


Map Folder
Packaging Design
Business Cards


1 l fancy colors
150 ml strong typography
1 portion matching icons
3 kg image pictures

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